Tuesday, November 29, 2011

spelling words for the week of November 27th


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Quick Reminders:

*  Pen pals will be visiting next Wednesday!!!
*  Report cards come out tomorrow.
*  Be looking for our creative Thanksgiving writings coming home.
*  2nd grade is responsible for bringing in toothpaste or any toiletry items to fill baskets to go to the elderly              for Christmas.  The class with the most items brought in gets an ice-cream party!

Happy Thanksgiving

Just a reminder that it is a short week this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  There are only two full days of school - Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday is a two hour abbreviated day.  We will not start a new story or any new content this week.  We will take this time to review and enjoy Thanksgiving activities.  We hope that each one of you enjoy this time with your family and enjoy every moment.  Take this time to make memories.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

{Spelling reminders}

Please make sure your child is doing 3 things with the spelling words each week. They are spelling sentences, 5 times each, and ABC order.  They are due on every Friday of each week.  Please make sure each assignment is on its own paper.

Week of November 7th

Here are the spelling words for the week of November 7th.  They all have a long e that is spelled -ee or --ea.  Please make sure you help your child with this pattern.  A link is below to help your child study for their words by playing battleship.  Happy studying!

1.  read
2.  feel
3.  easy
4.  deep
5.  seat
6.  party
7.  wheel
8.  leave
9.  windy
10. sleep
11. teeth
12. team

13. wreath
14. season
15. eagle
